Saturday, December 13, 2008

Party for Hagerty Consulting

On December 11, 2008, BH&G provided the venue for a corporate holiday party hosted by Hagerty Consulting, based in Evanston, IL. The company works under contract with the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, and provides specialized services after major disasters like Hurricanes Katrina and Gustav. Hagerty staffers from throughout the Southern region attended. Steve Hagerty, founder and CEO of the company, enjoyed the evening along with thirty staffers, their families and guests. The evening's festivities were organized for the company by Anthony Trasatti, a Haggerty staff member currently working in New Orleans. Southern Hospitality provided the catering. Guests stayed overnight in neighborhood B&B's. BH&G appreciates the business, and is grateful for the efforts of these capable people as we recover from Katrina.
2257 Bayou Road, New Orleans, LA 70119 |
504-525-7040 | 1-800-308-7040